Cocktails - O'Driskeys Slushie


O'Driskeys Slushie

Light and refreshing as the smooth O’ Driscolls Whiskey intertwines with the bready fruitiness of the fresh raspberries and lime. Creating a sweet aromatic flavour.


O'Driskeys Slushie Ingredients

  • 30ml ODIW

  • 40ml Raspberry puree

  • 100ml Apple juice

  • 20ml Lime

  • Ice

How to make a O'Driskeys Slushie

  1. Add ODIW, lemon juice, egg white and ginger syrup to a shaker and dry shake for 10 seconds.

  2. Add 2 scoops of ice and shake for 15 seconds.

  3. Drain over a glass with cherries.

  4. Garnish with 2 dashes of cherry bitter.


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